Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Was Your Baby Born WithNeonatal Abstinence Syndrome?

If your newborn suffered from Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) after you were prescribed opioids during pregnancy, you are not alone. NAS is a condition where a newborn experiences withdrawal symptoms from opioid exposure in the womb. It can cause a range of physical and neurological symptoms, such as tremors, seizures, excessive crying, and feeding difficulties.
What Is the Lawsuit About?
Many lawsuits have been filed against manufacturers of opioid-based drugs for misleading patients and doctors about the safety of long-term use of the drugs for pain management and other issues that could have been treated with non-opioid based substances. Women who found themselves addicted after simply following doctor’s orders had to continue taking the drugs through pregnancy because suddenly stopping the use of opioids could lead to miscarriage. That resulted in an increase in the number of babies exposed to opioids in-utero and born with neonatal abstinence syndrome. Manufacturers are being blamed and plaintiffs are seeking to hold them responsible for the medical needs of these babies.
Why Would I Qualify For This Lawsuit?
If Any of the Questions Below Apply To You, You May Qualify:
- Are you a woman who received a prescription for opioids to manage pain?
- Did you use opioid-based drugs for several months or years?
- Did you become addicted to opioids?
- Were you advised to continue taking opioids through pregnancy?
- Was your baby born with neonatal abstinence syndrome?
Will This Process Cost Me Money or a Lot of My Time?
At the Angell Law Firm, our Personal Injury Attorneys do not get paid unless you win your case. If you don’t win, no money is owed to your legal team.
How It Works
- There will be no out-of-pocket costs for filing a lawsuit.
- Our personal injury attorneys always work on contingency.
- If we don’t win, no money is owed to our firm.
- We will deal with every step of the process with care and professionalism.
We are committed to fighting for your rights and will work with you to form a strong case so you or your child get a fair chance of recouping money and making opioid manufacturers take responsibility for your pain, suffering, and medical expenses and that of your newborn. We will handle every step of the process for you with the highest level of professionalism.
How Much Money May I Be Entitled To?
There have been multiple lawsuits started in 2019 against the manufacturers of opioid drugs. Lawsuits are recent and still ongoing and no settlements have been awarded as of today.
What You Need To Know
- Settlement amounts vary on a case-by-case basis.
- Our legal team works with you to investigate your claim and decide on the most appropriate course of action.
Many factors should be investigated before initiating a lawsuit. Some of those include the reason why a mother may have been prescribed opioids for long-term use, what the mother’s life was life prior to initiating opioids (whether she had any history of previous drug abuse), whether she turned to street drugs after her doctor stopped prescribing opioids, and documentation attesting that the baby was in fact addicted to opioids at birth and the extent of his or her injuries. The Angell Law Firm will help you fight to recoup money for past and future medical expenses, pain, and suffering for both mother and child.
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Our Process
We start with a free case review. We’ll get the information we need about your situation to determine what the next steps should be.
We’ll work with you to create a customized plan to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your case.
We’ll fight for your rights and work to get you the compensation you deserve by winning your case.
Let Us Help You
Let us help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.
How Much Money May I Be Entitled To?
There have been multiple lawsuits started in 2019 against the manufacturers of opioid drugs. Lawsuits are recent and still ongoing and no settlements have been awarded as of today.
What You Need To Know
- Settlement amounts vary on a case-by-case basis.
- Our legal team works with you to investigate your claim and decide on the most appropriate course of action.
Many factors should be investigated before initiating a lawsuit. Some of those include the reason why a mother may have been prescribed opioids for long-term use, what the mother’s life was life prior to initiating opioids (whether she had any history of previous drug abuse), whether she turned to street drugs after her doctor stopped prescribing opioids, and documentation attesting that the baby was in fact addicted to opioids at birth and the extent of his or her injuries. The Angell Law Firm will help you fight to recoup money for past and future medical expenses, pain, and suffering for both mother and child.